A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible early. Plenty of sunshine. High 91F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low near 65F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph.
Emmaleigh Baker: Leadership Poster Purple, 6-9 Month Old Does Purple, Market Goats- Super Heavy Weight Purple, JR Showmanship Purple, single stem annual Purple, thomas Purple, Goat Resin Blue, Necklace and Bracelet Blue, Quilt Blue, floral arrangement Blue, Reading Blue, Candle Red, apple tree Red, my goat slick Red, Coffee Cake Purple, Cake Blue, French Bread Red, Inter Girls Buymanship Revue Purple, Inter Constructed Revue Blue, JR Place Setting Red, B & W Dress Purple, Heating Rice Pack Blue, Blue Shorts Red, Other Woodorking Purple
Josie Baker: 6-9 Month Old Does Purple, Market Goats- Super Heavy Weight Purple, JR Showmanship Purple, “J” Cup Purple, Black Romper Purple, annual Purple, Turtle Earrings Blue, Flower Blue, rainbow Blue, spring flowers blooming Blue, Softball Painting Red, water fowl Red, Lemon Sugar Cookies Purple, Sugar Cookie Truffles Blue, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Blue, Jr Place Setting Blue
Ashley Brady: JR Place Setting Blue, Peacock Purple, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Ducks All Breeds Blue, Sr Showmanship Blue, Crochet Headband Purple, Duck field Day Blue, vizion Blue, Crossstitch Bookmark Red, james pond Red, wonder Red, Mini Rex Senior Doe Blue, White Rex Fur Blue, Senior Showmanship Blue, Apple Sauce Red, Spaghetti Sauce Red, Tom Syrup Red, Carrots Red, Green Beans Red
Elizabeth Brady: Ed Display item Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Purple, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 old bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 old bird either sex Blue, Ducks All Breeds Blue, Ducks All Breeds Blue, Jr Showmanship Red, Other Woodorking Red, Other Woodworking Red, Rainbow Horse Diamond Art Purple, 4-12 Month Old Dairy Doe Blue, Over 2 Years Old Doe In Milk Blue, JR Showmanship Blue, Bunny Crossstitch Blue, Bird Bath Crossstitch Blue, Snai Crochet Red, Summer Dress Red, king bean Red, my success Red, perfect primrose Red, sweety tweety Red, Apple Sauce Red, Junior Showmanship Purple, Mini Rex Senior Doe Red, Colored Rex Fur Red
Sarah Brady: Senior Showmanship Purple, Mini Lop Senior Buck Blue, Normal Colored Fur Red, Ed Display item Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 old bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 old bird either sex Blue, Ducks All Breeds Blue, Ducks All Breeds Blue, Ducks All Breeds Blue, piercing Purple, sleepy Purple, Rainbow Cat Blue, Bunny Crochet Red, Hummingbird with Flowers Red, blooming Red, water delight Red, Apple Sauce Red, Green Beans Red, Spaghetti Sauce Red, Carrots Red, Christmas Pickles Red, Pieadilly Red
Piper Chartier: Sr Flag Race(14&UP) Purple, Sr. Barrels Purple, Sr Poles Purple, Non-Stock Horse/Pony Blue, Sr. Showmanship Blue, Sr Western Pleasure Red, Polyester Mauve Orange Dress Purple, Market Hogs Blue, Sr Girls Buymanship Revue Blue, SR Showmanship Blue
Wyatt Chartier: Jr Flag Race(13&Under) Purple, Non-Stock Horse/Pony Blue, Jr. Showmanship Blue, Jr. Barrells Blue, Jr. Poles Blue, Market Hogs Blue, JR Showmanship Blue
Stryder Christian: Jr Division(7-9yrs old) Blue, Hand Pets Purple, Bracelet Purple, Keychain Purple, Lego Car Purple, lost flower Purple, hoodstock classic Purple, Costumed Pet Blue, Decorated Cage Blue, monarch by the creek Blue, photographic duck Blue, Dairy Crockett Bars Purple
Connor Fassnacht: Black Suit Purple, Welding Blue, Lego Display- Kit Purple, Patriotic Wreath Purple, Chocolate Chip Cookies Purple, Red,White,Blue, Rice Krispy Treats Purple, Blueberry Muffins Blue, Jr Boys Buysmanship Revue Purple
Noah Fassnacht: Welding Blue, Inter. Boys Buysmanship Revue Purple, herb Purple, Underarmour Shirt & Khaki Pants Purple, Annie Pie Blue, Pumpkin Bread Blue, French Bread Red, Fine Art Acrylic Painting Blue, Clay/ Ceramic Bowl Purple
Damion Griffin: No Bakes Purple, Patchwork Quilt Blue, spiderman Blue, Lego Car Red
Wesley Heinen: Clover string art Purple, Tank Valentines Day Box Purple, zucchini Purple, Woven Potholders Blue, Marines Pillow Blue, white potatoes Blue, Moose Canvas Red, Zucchini Bread Blue
Carly Hutfles: hydrangea blue, white flower Blue, garden spinner Blue, Girls Buymanship Purple, Caramel Apple Pecan Pie Purple, Apple Pie Purple, Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Purple, Raspberry Peach Pie Purple, Sr Girls Buymanship Revue Purple
Aiden Jamvold: Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 old bird either sex Blue, Welding Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Hereford Steers Blue, Crossbred Steers Blue, JR Showmanship Blue
Clarissa Jamvold: 2+year Halter Purple, Sr. Showmanship Purple, Lemon velvet Cake w/ lemon creamcheese frosting Blue, Caramel Apple Bacon Pecan Streusal Pie Blue, Trail Purple Sr Flag Race(14&UP) Purple, Sr. Barrels Purple, Sr Western Pleasure Blue, Sr Poles Blue, Hereford Steers Blue, Crossbred Steers Blue, SR Showmanship Blue, Float Trip Blue, View from a Tailgate Blue, riding in faith Blue, wrong turn Red, Sr Western Horsemanship Red, Showmanship/Judging Purple, Sr Girls Buymanship Revue Purple
Cash Jones: Majestic Tiger Purple
Beckett Lanter: Acrylic Painting Purple, Travel Tic-Tac-Toe Purple, Rock Photo Holders Blue, Clothing Buymanship, Boys Blue, Market Hogs Blue, JR Showmanship Blue, Jr Boys Buysmanship Revue Blue, Breeding Gilts Red, Cheerio Bars Purple, Under the Sea Crackers Purple
Tiffin Lanter: Welding Blue, Mini Rex Senior Buck Blue, Intermediate Showmanship Blue, Colored Rex Fur Red, Summer Gnomes Purple, Clothing Buymanship, Girls Purple, Acrylic Painting Blue, Book Knife Block Blue, Pumpkin Bread Blue, Cinnamon Sugar Pinwheel Red, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Purple, Breeding Gilts Blue, Market Hogs Blue, JR Showmanship Blue
Darcy Lierz: Pigs Blue, Sr Flag Race(14&UP) Purple, Sr Poles Purple, Sr. Barrels Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Sr Showmanship Blue, Sr Western Pleasure Red, 3-6 Month Old Does Purple, 6-9 Month Old Does Purple, 16-24 Months Old Does Purple, SR Showmanship Purple, Jewelry Bowl Purple, Market Goats-Heavy Weight Blue, Shot Glass Blue, Country Sunset Blue, Breeding Gilts Blue, Market Hogs Blue, SR Showmanship Blue, Breeding Gilts Red, Market Hogs Red, Market Hogs Red, Apple Crisp Cheesecake Blue, Chocolate Lasagna Blue
Laura Lierz: Non-Stock Horse/Pony Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 young bird either sex Blue, Sr Showmanship Blue, 3-6 Month Old Does Purple, 9-12 Months Old Does Purple, 16-24 Months Old Does Purple, SR Showmanship Purple, Self Portrait Purple, Market Goats-Heavy Weight Blue, Oreo Delight Purple, Chocolate PB Lasagna Purple, Apple Pie Cookies Blue, No Bake Monster Balls Blue, Breeding Gilts Blue, SR Showmanship Blue, Breeding Gilts Red, Market Hogs Red, Market Hogs Red, Market Hogs Red, Pen of 3 Red
Lyttia Linck: Dog Purple, Pet ed exh Purple, Decorated Cage Purple, Costumed Pet Blue, Strawberry- Rhubarb Pie Purple, Decorated Strawberry Cake Purple, Recipe Box Purple
Rozlyn Mathewson: Welding Blue, Lego Kit: Andrea’s Family House Purple, Melted Crayon Art Blue, JR Place Setting Purple, S’morkies Purple, Six Egg Sponge Cakes Purple, French Bread Red
Graham Olson: white onions Purple, cherry tomatoes Purple, beets Purple, Market Goats- Light Weight Blue, Double Choc Muffins Purple, JR Showmanship Blue
Chloe Rice: Welding Purple, Jr Showmanship Purple, Standard Breeds Lg Fowl 1 old bird either sex Blue, Intermediate Showmanship Blue, Mini Lop Senior Buck Red, Netherland Dwarf Senior Buck Red, Normal Colored Fur Red, Normal Colored Fur N/A Painting Purple, Lego Blue, under the sea Blue, waterfall ripples Red, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Blue, JR Place Setting Red, Pink Fleece Shirt Purple, Shinny Skirt Purple, Black Flowered Dress Purple, Sewing Basket Purple, Jr Constructed Revue Purple, White Bread Red, Coconut Cream Pie White
Hudson Rice: Welding Blue, Netherland Dwarf Senior Buck Red, Normal Colored Fur Red, Horseshoe frog Blue, Rocket from kit 5-13 Blue, Western Outfit Purple, Pillowcase Purple, Jr Boys Buysmanship Revue Purple, Banana Bread Purple, Peanut Butter Cookies Purple
Ryder Rice: Jr Division(7-9yrs old) Blue, farm Purple, Market Goats- Middle Weight Blue, JR Showmanship Blue, Easter Bunny Blue, Fireworks Blue, Royals Blanket Blue, floral arrangement Blue, pears Blue, Delaware river Blue, Camper Lego Kit Red, Fire Truck Lego Kit Red, seven in a row Red, Jr Boys Buysmanship Revue Blue, Peanut lusters Purple, Puppy Chow Blue, 1st Communion Shirt Purple, Royals Pillow Purple
Tabitha Rice: Welding Blue, Holland Lop Senior Buck Blue, Netherland Dwarf Senior Buck Blue, Normal Colored Fur Red, Normal Colored Fur Red, Intermediate Showmanship Red, Sea Painting Purple, Fairy House Purple, Salt Art Blue, CDs Blue, branson fish Blue, tulips in the spring Blue, sleeping presley Blue, sparkly presley Red, Inter Girls Buymanship Revue Purple, JR Place Setting Purple, White Braided Bread Blue, Coconut Cream Pie Red, Decorated Cake Red, Blue Lace Dress Purple, Sewing Basket Purple
Bentley Selland: Welding Purple, Jr Flag Race(13&Under) Purple, 2+year Halter Blue, Jr Walk Trot Western Pleasure Blue, Jr. Barrells Blue, Jr. Poles Blue, Jr. Showmanship Red, Jr Western Horsemanship Red, Crossbred Steers Blue, JR Showmanship Blue, Choc Chip Coffee Muffins Purple, Caramel Apple Pie Blue, Cinnamon Rolls Blue, Pretzels Blue, Lifted Denali Drawing Purple, 9320 Tractor Drawing Purple, Peterbilt 379 Build Purple
Justin Selland: Owl Stepping Stone Blue, Crinkle fudge cookies Purple, Apple Cider Donut Cake Purple, Whole Wheat Pear Breakfast Bread Red, Cinnamon Rolls Red, Bucket Calf 10-12 Years Olds Purple, Bucket Calf Showmanship 7-12 Yr Blue
Mason Selland: Bucket Calf 7-9 Years Olds Blue, Bucket Calf Showmanship 7-12 yr Blue
Kaden Smith: KC Chiefs Helmet Banner Purple, green beans Purple, potatoes Blue, banana peppers Blue, onions Blue, French Apple Blue, 1930s Barn Blue, Wilbur Blue, the old barn Blue, ole bessie Red, Lemon Blueberry Marble Cake Purple, Double Crust Cherry Pie Purple, Recipe File Purple, French Apple Pie Blue, Moist Lemon Chiffon Cake White Sr Boys Buymanship Revue Purple, Market Hogs Blue, SR Showmanship Blue, Sr. Boys Buymanship Purple
Kirsten Smith: Jewelry Purple, green beans Purple, potatoes Purple, zucchini Purple, A holy place Purple, Fluffy Purple, Tea Towels Blue, American Flag Wreath Blue, Quilled Softball Blue, banana peppers Blue, white corn Blue, chocolate milk Blue, Garden bike Blue, great katch Blue, Painting Red, Coffee Cake Purple, Lemon velvet Cake Purple, Derby Pie Purple, Recipe File Purple, Cinnamon Rolls Blue, Cherry Choco-Bread Red, Inter Constructed Revue Purple, Inter Girls Buymanship Revue Purple, JR Showmanship Blue, JR Place Setting Blue, Romper & Jacket Purple, Sewing Basket Purple, Girls Buymanship Purple, Market Hogs Red
Berkleigh Torkelson: The Camper Purple, Sewing Basket Purple, Watermelon Outfit Purple, Autumn Wear Purple, pretty fluffy Purple, green beans Blue, red potatoes Blue, white onions Blue, beets Blue, Chicago Blue, enjoying the city Blue, Resin Red, double petals Red, Peanut Butter Brownies Purple, Jr Constructed Revue Purple, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Purple, JR Showmanship Blue, JR Place Setting Red, Market Hogs Blue
Laila Torkelson: Flower Coaster Purple, Sunrise Cross Purple, Sewing Box Purple, Peacock Jumper Purple, Purple Romper Purple, green beans Purple, jalapenos Purple, beets Purple, white onions Blue, “L” String Art Red, Monster Protein Balls Purple, Jr Constructed Revue Purple, JR Showmanship Blue, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Blue, Breeding Gilts Red, big red boat Blue, day at the lake Blue, dark beauty Blue, wavy day Blue
Mia Torkelson: Costumed Pet Purple, Dog Purple, Duck! Purple, Summer Spectaculat Buymanship Purple, Sewing Box Purple, Summer Dress Purple, green beans Purple, cucumbers Purple, cabbage Purple, Zinnia annual Purple, Tie Blanket Blue, Button Cross Blue, beets Blue, time to eat Blue, putt putt Blue, Resin Red, Pow! Red, pearly whites Red, house Red, lunch time Red, JR Showmanship Blue, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Blue, JR Place Setting Blue, Breeding Gilts Red, Lemon Blueberry Bread Blue, Jr Constructed Revue Blue
Adaylee Welch: Macrame Rainbow Wall Hanging Purple, Clay Necklace + Bracelet Set Purple, “Be Happy” Diamond Painting Purple, Chambray Tie-Back Dress Purple, Gernab Chocolate Caramel Brownies Purple, Strawberry Jam Purple, Red,White and Blue fruit mix Purple, Applesauce Muffins Blue, Jr Girls Buymanship Revue Purple
Bella White: Welding Red, Intermediate Showmanship Red, Dutch Senior Buck White Normal Colored Fur White, Light Blue Dress Purple, Apron with Crossstitch Blue, papa’s bell Blue, begonia Blue, firecrackers Blue, hydrangea tree Red, Brownies Purple, S’mores mix Blue, Banana Bread Red, Inter Girls Buymanship Revue Blue
Henry Woods: Other Woodorking Red, Welding Red, Junior Showmanship Blue, Mini Rex Senior Buck Red, Colored Rex Fur Red, John Deere Tractor Purple, sunset by the pond Purple, lost in legos Blue, railroad tie Red, angel in the garden Red, S’mores Pops Purple, Dill Pretzels Purple, Power Ball Blue
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